Government College Women University Faisalabaden-USAl-Lauh2618-088XTheological discussions in Al-Baydawi’s Interpretation
<p>Allama Nasir-ul-Din Albaydhavi is one of the prominent interpreters of the Holy <br>Quran. Tafseer of the Holy Quran by Baydhavi is comprized a average volum in <br>which he collected the relevant material keeping the required benefits of Arabic <br>language in view. He presented his argumentation acording to the principles of <br>Ahl-u-Sunnah. Infact Tafseer by Baydhavi is a brief account of Kashaaf by <br>Zimakhshri except Motazilah traditions. In the same way, he also utilized Tafseer<br>e-Kabeer and Tafseer Raaghib. Moreover he also included the sayings of Suhaba <br>and Taab'een in his work. The following article is an effort throwing light in the <br>contribution in Theological discussion toward Tafseer of the Holy Quran And <br>those verbal discussions are as follows: Monotheism in essence and Attributes, <br>Certainty in the existence of Allah Almighty, Seeing Allah Almighty, the truth of <br>Prophethood and its position and Is the Quran Created or Uncreated, Predestination <br>and Destiny. <br>Keywords: Albaydhavi, Abdullah-Bin-Umar, Interpreters of the Holy Quran, <br>Tafseer "Anwar-ul-Tanzeel wa Asrar-ul-taveel", Theological discussions.</p>Ghulam Abbas
Copyright (c) 2024 Ghulam Abbas
2024-12-302024-12-3032111132The Effects of Quranic Interpretations on Jurisprudence and Its Principles
<p>This article deals with the impact of Quranic readings on the science of jurisprudence and its principles. It is no secret to us Muslims the greatness of the Book of God and its place in the Islamic religion, as it is the right course in the life of a Muslim, and it is the reference in all religious and worldly matters and God Almighty has revealed his book in multiple readings as a mercy to His servants and an expansion and relief for them, as people were at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an Different languages and dialects, so the diversity of readings was to facilitate the people, and even the scholars benefit from this diversity in their interpretation of the Holy Qur’an.</p> <p>A reading may indicate a jurisprudential ruling, and another reading indicates another jurisprudential ruling, and this does not at all indicate a contradiction. Facilitating the servants, and this study will address some aspects of the impact of Islamic jurisprudence from the different readings.</p> <p>What resulted from this influence of the difference in the jurisprudential rulings, which is the basis of this difference</p>Azra Parveen
Copyright (c) 2024 Azra Parveen
2024-12-302024-12-30327484Phonetic Analysis of Paronomasia in Surah Al-Anfal and Surah At-Tawbah (Linguistic Study)
<p style="text-align: justify;">This research paper explores the phonetic aspects of paronomasia (<span dir="RTL" lang="AR-SA">جناس</span>) in Surah Al-Anfal and Surah At-Tawbah, focusing on the linguistic phenomena that enhance the aesthetic and semantic richness of the Quranic text. Paronomasia, defined as the phonetic similarity between words that differ in meaning, is categorized into various types, including derivational, full, diminished, and imperfect paronomasia. The study highlights multiple instances of paronomasia within both surahs, illustrating how phonetic similarities serve to deepen meaning and evoke emotional responses. A significant finding is that the use of paronomasia not only reinforces thematic elements but also reflects the cultural and historical context of the verses, thereby enriching the reader's understanding. The research underscores the importance of paronomasia in a qualitative textual analysis and close reading of the selected surahs, particularly in conveying moral messages, enhancing the rhetorical power of the Quranic discourse, and illustrating the intricacies of the Arabic language.</p>Muhammad Sarwar
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Sarwar
2024-12-302024-12-30321325The Quranic Miracle and the Pure Phenomenon:A Critical Analytical Study
<p>Glorious Quran is the living miracle of Holy Prophet Peace be upon Him. Muslim scholars introduced the sciences of Balaghah (Rhetoric) to prove and demonstrate the hidden literary qualities and different aspects of Quranic Balaghah. There were many opinions about the reasons of being Quran a miracle, which includes its unique style melodious sound as its verses containing forecast about future incidents and so on. But some people thought that Quranic miracle is just because that All Mighty forcefully stopped the people of that age to accept challenge of Quran and write a book or verses similar or close to the Quranic verses. That called phenomena of Sarfa, which is absolute denial of miracle of Quran. Hence this idea was rejected by majority of Muslims and Prominent Scholars like, Sakaki, Khatabi, Jurjani and others, who penned a large number of books to clarify the issue and answer all the questions raised by those writers promoting the ideology of sarfa as well as they established the rules and regulations for being Quran a miracle of rhetoric.</p> <p> Al-Rawandi (Died: 298AH) was the first person who associate the ideology of Sarfa to Nizam(Died:221AH) head of mutazlah( Rationalists), this article deals with the issue of sarfa and its impact on Muslim thoughts and the importance of Quranic miracle of rhetoric.</p>Asif Ali
Copyright (c) 2024 Asif Ali
2024-12-302024-12-3032210The Role of Islam in Transforming the Landscape & Sustainable Development
<p>Prevailing new ideas about global landscaping is the most important topic that helps in controlling environmental pollution and several other issues related to Geology. Target of the subject “Global landscaping” is to enhance the physical appearance of the Earth. Actually, it is about to aesthetical study of Earth on a large scale, such as planting trees, reshaping countryside, creating green spaces, applying sustainable land management practices. Now the question is, what does Islam say about this? To what extent Islam can play a role to maintain and enhance the aesthetic beauty of the world’s landscape. But the major purpose of this paper is to explore the human behaviors that are also causing changes in the beauty of nature. So, this is not just focusing on the physical aesthetic view of land but also pointing out the indirect behaviors of humans that count to change the landscape. Because the transformation of the land and ecosystem is based on the behaviors of human beings. The discussion of this paper just relies on the Holy Quran and Hadith and not after the period of the last Prophet P.B.U.H.</p>RabiaUzma Saffat
Copyright (c) 2024 Rabia, Uzma Saffat
2024-12-302024-12-30325871 Mysticism in Islam: A Journey to the Divines
<p>Islmic sufism, or mysticism, represents a multifaceted dimension and profound of Islamic civilization, characterized by their quest as spiritual closeness toward God. This paper examine the historical origins, influential figures, key principles, practices, and every broader impact about Sufism within and beyond every Islamic world. Originally emerging just as a reaction toward every materialism of the original Umayyed time, sufism developed toward a distinct divine path. Central toward this path do every concepts about Tawhid (oneness of God), devotion, love, and selflessness, deeply fixed in Quranic conduct and Hadith. The lesson highlights significant donation of Sufi celebrity such as Ibn Arabi, Rumi, and Al-Ghazali, which have profoundly changed Islamic philosophy, literature, and spirituality. The paper too delves into every rituals of Sufism and practices, counting Tariqa (every Sufi path), Dhikr (Divine rememberance), and Sama (spiritual ecstasy over music). These policies not only back spiritual extension and personal transformation although also devote significantly toward Islamic art, literature, and music. The influence about Sufism in advancing interfaith global spirituality and dialogue is repeat, demonstrating it is role in attaching different religious practice and fostering broad value of oneness, love, and compassion. Moreover, the study location the controversies surrounding Sufism and critiques, especially its relationship along orthodox islam along with every challenges it look in contemporary company, such just as redicalization and commercialization.against these test, sufism's enduring estate as a global force in every realm of otherworldliness and your emphasis above universal human morals positions it just as a vital middle in every understanding about Islamic culture along with spirituality. This analysis of Sufism confess its significance now providing an extra comprehensive along with nuanced understanding about Islam, highlighting its act in personal development, cultural enhancement, and understanding beyond diverse communities.</p>Sadia MehmoodZain Manzoor
Copyright (c) 2023 Sadia Mehmood, Zain Manzoor
2024-12-302024-12-30328498Transformation of Political System,In Light of The Ideas Of Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani
<p>In Muslim countries, particularly Pakistan, determining which political system—be it a theocracy, Caliphate, democracy, dictatorship, or monarchy—best aligns with Islamic teachings, and who should lead such a state, remains a challenge. Over time, various political theories from Muslim scholars have been proposed, but these have consistently been rejected by the people of Pakistan in elections, including the 2024 general elections. This ongoing rejection of religious political parties has raised concerns among Islamic intellectuals and scholars about the path these parties should follow to regain their place, as the public continues to seek an Islamic state and the implementation of Islamic law.</p> <p>This article suggests that religious political parties can find guidance in the theory of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi. His methodology, which emphasizes the creation of a state based on principles rather than religious elites, offers a possible solution. The core of his teachings is that a religious scholar can contribute to the establishment of a better government without seeking personal political power. Key elements of his approach include the training of government officials, focusing on serving the people, addressing contemporary issues, and preparing a broad base of individuals for governance.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Caliphate, system, state, governance, thought, theocracy, Intellectuals, democracy</p> <p>In Muslim countries, particularly Pakistan, determining which political system—be it a theocracy, Caliphate, democracy, dictatorship, or monarchy—best aligns with Islamic teachings, and who should lead such a state, remains a challenge. Over time, various political theories from Muslim scholars have been proposed, but these have consistently been rejected by the people of Pakistan in elections, including the 2024 general elections. This ongoing rejection of religious political parties has raised concerns among Islamic intellectuals and scholars about the path these parties should follow to regain their place, as the public continues to seek an Islamic state and the implementation of Islamic law.</p> <p>This article suggests that religious political parties can find guidance in the theory of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi. His methodology, which emphasizes the creation of a state based on principles rather than religious elites, offers a possible solution. The core of his teachings is that a religious scholar can contribute to the establishment of a better government without seeking personal political power. Key elements of his approach include the training of government officials, focusing on serving the people, addressing contemporary issues, and preparing a broad base of individuals for governance.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Caliphate, system, state, governance, thought, theocracy, Intellectuals, democracy</p>Akram VirkAbdul Ahad Tarar
Copyright (c) 2024 Akram Virk, Abdul Ahad Tarar
2024-12-302024-12-3032131179 Conditions for Donation for Religious and Cheritable Causes,Economic and Social Effects
<p>Donations or funds are money that is given or taken to be spent on individual or collective charitable works. Many organizations around the world that are concerned with welfare or human rights have their own and organizational needs. as well as emphasize the campaign to collect donations or funds to bring resources to the people. This work is focused with great enthusiasm and high emotions on the occasion of various festivals in different religions, especially Along with religious organizations, various political organizations also come into the field. Religious madrasas usually meet the needs of the madrasas and the students living there by taking donations, and from the amount of the donation, they also meet the needs of the madrasas. It happens. There are no good measures taken by the government to provide facilities to the madrasahs, so the madrasahs depend on donations. In the modern era, as the number of madrasas increased, so did the practice of taking donations from the people. It has reached such a point that the administrators of Madrasahs do not feel shy to ask for donations from the people themselves or through the students. The same is the case with the members of the other charitable institutions. Donations are asked from the deserving and undeserving people. Such people who cannot afford to donate temporarily come into their religious affairs and donate more than they can afford. Regret later. The paper examines the conditions of donation, economic and social impacts. Which explains in detail the conditions of donation and the social impact on them.</p>Qaria Nasreen Akhter
Copyright (c) 2024 Qaria Nasreen Akhter